Nothing At All

by Heart

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:04 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author

A. Wilson, N. Wilson, Sue Ennis

Tabbed by

All Instruments By: Ashley Dalby


1st → Vocals: Ann
2nd → Guitar: Howard
3rd → Guitar: Nancy
4th → Drums: Denny
5th → Bass: Mark
6th → Strings: Holly
7th → Synth: Holly

File Size

47 KB




I would walk home eve ry even ing Through the pyr _ a mids of light I would feel my self on si lence Wash it down _ with emp ty nights Then your in no cent di stract ions hit me so hard My e mo tion al re ac tion caught me off guard _ It was no thing at all _ (Not hing at all) Like an y thing I had felt _ _ be fore And it was no thing at all _ (Not hing at all) Like I thought so it's so _ much _ more No one else has ev er made _ me feel this way _ When I asked you how you did _ it you just say _ It was no thing at all _ Now I _ Then your in _ (Not hing at all) Like an y thing I had felt _ _ be fore And it was no thing at all (Not hing at all) It was no _ thing at all _ (Not hing at all) _ No thing at _ all (Not hing at all) No thing at all


It is imperative to follow the 5.2 notices located throughout. The solo is 98% accurate and only the last note before the Da Segno al Coda is off. It is also imperative to keep the Master Reverb that you see to your right where it is, as this makes it sound best.This was checked for accuracy by playing along with the real track song. I hope it helps!